Collezione: Kangol

The brand was born in 1938 when Henry Sergen, an English veteran of the First World War, decided to start a business in caps imported from France, but changing some aspects. The name derives from the merger of three words (K stands for silk, ANG for angora, OL for wool) and it began to have some success with the outbreak of the Second World War, as the cap was very popular among the ranks of the English army. The factory began producing various models, the most important of which was the 504cap, and also established itself in the world of music when in the 1960s it obtained the exclusive right to create all the hats worn by the Beatles. Although strong with a long line of fans and admirers, the company understood that it needed a logo to accompany the product, and so in 1983 they tried with various animals, including turtles and horses. The definitive idea of ​​the kangaroo was followed to exploit the wave of the great American success of the "kangaroo hat", thus giving rise to a real cultural phenomenon.